The world celebrated the first World NTD Day

The first World NTD Day took place on 30 January 2020. This date was the beginning of a year long push to get attention on NTDs.

In May, at the World Health Assembly, the NTD Roadmap will be launched. In June, the Kigali Summit will call on global leaders to deliver political commitments and to mobilise new financial commitments of US $1.5 billion to accelerate progress towards the total costs of delivering the WHO NTD 2030 Road Map and will build on the success of the 2012 London Declaration. In September, NNN (the NTD NGO Network) will be celebrating the success and embracing the new WHO NTD Roadmap.

The Lancet also talked about the push “to gather support and build momentum for a decisive year of action against NTDs”.

To see coverage about World NTD Day, visit the following links: