2020 NTD Innovation Prize

The NTD Innovation Prize encourages creativity and ingenuity in addressing NTDs. There are two prizes in 2020, worth a combined $35,000. Applications close on 30 April.

The NTD Innovation Prize is designed to encourage and support creativity and ingenuity in addressing neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and to fund new ideas that could result in cost-effective, scalable and transformative impact. In 2020, American Leprosy Missions is partnering with Novartis to offer a first prize of up to $20,000 and another of up to $15,000.

This contest focuses on ideas that apply a new approach, tool or method to a persistent challenge, aligning with the BEST framework’s strategic domains of Behaviour, the Environment, Social inclusion and equity, and Treatment and care. Cross-cutting themes related to data and analytics to support access to information and inform decision making are also encouraged.

Applications are due on 30 April 2020, and prizes will be awarded at the 2020 NTD NGO Network (NNN) Conference in September in Kathmandu, Nepal. For more information and to apply, please visit the NTD Innovation Hub.