NTD Roadmap 2021-2030 launch date

WHO announced that it plans to launch the new NTD Roadmap virtually on 17 June 2020. There may also be launches specific to regions, countries, or different audiences.

We have informed Update readers about the progress of the 2021-2030 NTD Roadmap. WHO has set a date – 17 June – for the official launch, which will take place virtually. WHO is inviting partners to actively support this virtual launch in as many ways as possible to amplify the messaging of the Roadmap and to mobilise their collaborative efforts,

The launch date, and WHO’s leadership in it, were broadly welcomed by funders and other stakeholders. ILEP is liaising with NNN (the NGO NTD Network) about ways to support the launch.

Uniting to Combat NTDs (UTC) with its partners had been coordinating a Roadmap launch at the Kigali Summit on Malaria and NTDs on 25 June. This was to be held alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) but the whole event may be cancelled due to COVID-19. UTC has been exploring alternatives. We will keep readers posted on all developments.