New reality for the ILEP Secretariat

As of 1 April 2020, there are major changes in the way the ILEP Secretariat will function. Staff numbers have been reduced from three to two, working at opposite ends of the world.

Significant changes in the functioning of the ILEP Secretariat were decided by the ILEP Members’ Assembly six months ago and are being implemented starting on 1 April. ILEP remains registered in Geneva, Switzerland, as before, but with a reduced staff and budget.

We are discontinuing the communications officer role, which sadly means that Aliyah Esmail leaves on 31 March. The new website is almost ready for launch, but inevitably ILEP’s social media presence and other communications outputs will reduce. However, these monthly ILEP Updates will continue.

Monty Mukhier continues as full-time Administration and Finance Manager, based in a shared office in Geneva. His role is much as before, the mainstay of the day-to-day work of the Secretariat.

Geoff Warne continues as part-time CEO, based in New Zealand, but travelling and working in Europe and other places around ten weeks a year.

With personnel at both ends of the world, the Secretariat will now be ‘open for business’ almost round-the-clock and our aim is to have no reduction in responsiveness. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.